I primarily work in inks or with oil paint (with or without cold wax). I often employ a limited, muted palette in intense yet introspective abstract creations. The subtle interplay of colour and materials in my work reveals a personal vision and rich source of energy and intensity.

Recently I’ve been working on collaborative, abstract compositions with Rod Malloch where we add alternate layers to a painting. We each work independently, in our own style, inspired by and reacting to the image in front of us, applying oil paints mixed with cold wax, until we agree they are finished.

The inspirations for my jewellery creations can come out of the blue, perhaps when I’m not thinking too deeply, for example from car taillights, dandelions, city skylines, natural medicines, hats. I prefer to work in a mix of silver and brass: the soft and malleable nature of the silver contrasts beautifully with the stubborn and intractable nature of the brass.

Based in Edinburgh I studied art part time at the Edinburgh College of Art and University of Edinburgh, after working in education for many years. I am an emerging artist constructing wearable art through my jewellery, and imaginative artworks inspired by nature.


Recent exhibitions include:

STILL, AAC Exhibition, Dundas Street Gallery 2023

Making Waves, Upright Gallery, Edinburgh 2023

SSA 2023

HOLD, Dundas Street Gallery 2023

Pattern Books, Upright Gallery, Edinburgh 2022

SSA 2022

Bookmarks, ECA 2022

Aizle Artist Collective Debut Exhibition, Dundas Street Gallery 2021

Tides Changing/Changing Tides, SSA 2020

University of Edinburgh 2017 to 2020

Art and Design Spring Exhibition, ECA 2009